- Chamot
provides consulting services in the application of Computational
Chemistry, training in the use of select software,
and contract research using Computational Chemistry methods. Originally
incorporated in 1988 to do consulting in Organic
and Water Treatment Chemistry, Chamot Labs acquired hardware and
software and has focused on Computational Chemistry Research and
Consulting since 1995.
Computational Chemistry resources include general purpose
for Molecular Modeling at all levels of theory: from Molecular
Mechanics, to Semiempirical Quantum Mechanics, to ab initio Hartree
Fock and Density Functional Theory. Hardware resources exceeded the 1
Gigaflop level in 1999. When available, excess compute capacity has
been donated to support the SETI@home
and Folding@home distributed
computing projects.
We are committed to respecting our visitors, and
protecting our
client's needs for privacy and confidentiality, and have developed
guidelines and instituted methods for secure communication (see Privacy
Chamot Labs is an equal
opportunity employer
and does not believe in discrimination
with regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or any
other factor
irrelevant to a persons qualifications.
President and Chief Consultant. PhD Chemist with 17 years
experience in industrial research as an organic synthesis and
computational chemist, and 19 years as an independent consultant in
Computational Chemistry Applications.
Computer Graphics (CG) specialist with BS in Computer Science from the University of Illinois, 2006. Experienced in creating 3-D digital artwork for games and animations.